Element details

Below are examples of each element with screenshots of all the settings. Some settings are not visible as they are conditional based on other selections (eg. image settings appear when image type is selected).

Advanced Infobox

This element let's you create information boxes that consist of an image or icon, title, subtitle, text and button (Or link entire infobox) with pletora of options giving you complete flexibility on your design.

Some fancy heading

And some interesting subtitle
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in justo imperdiet, convallis velit ac, malesuada enim. Etiam vitae tempus enim. Cras hendrerit efficitur eros.

This element is coming from the Image/Icon Box, but it combines them and adds tons of extra features. It lets you:

  • choose to add an image or icon (or none)
  • add a title, subtitle and text
  • add a link - either link the entire infobox or add a button
  • if you add a button, you can select to bottom align it per row if there are multiple infoboxes with different heights
  • style the complete container
  • choose the image/icon location between top, left or right + position it vertically
  • choose to make the text aligned to the heading or to the icon
  • if you have a button, you can select to align it to the bottom of the infobox in case you have multiple such elements in a row with different text lenghts
  • style every aspect of the icon, typography, spacing, including responsive options
  • did I mention that all thext fields support dynamic data?
  • and of coure it supports global settings

Table Advanced

This element let's you create advanced tables based on either manual input or dynamically sourced by ACF Repeater fields.
Table title


Location Unique Feature Year Built Category Link
Eiffel Tower

Paris, Franceย 

Iron lattice structure ๐Ÿ—ผ

1889 Architectural Eiffel Tower Wikipedia
Great Barrier Reef Australia

Largest coral reef system in the world ๐Ÿš

Natural Formation Natural Wonder Great Barrier Reef Wikipedia
Machu Picchu Peru

Ancient Incan city built on a mountain ridge ๐Ÿ”๏ธ

15th Century Historical Site Machu Picchu Wikipedia
Mount Everest Nepal/China

Tallest mountain on Earth ๐Ÿ—ป

Natural Formation Natural Wonder Mount Everest Wikipedia
Colosseum Rome, Italy

Largest amphitheater ever built ๐ŸŸ

80 AD Cultural Heritage Colosseum Wikipedia

This is v2 of the table element. It lets you:

  • create tables based on dynamic data from any ACF Repeater field, incl. options page repeaters (ACF Pro required)
  • style ACF Repeater based tables almost the same as manual ones (with few exceptions)
  • manually create columns and populate those with rows of static data
  • each cell data is a rich text input so you can add any content you want (incl. images, icons, links)
  • each cell content can be fully linked (other than single element links added via rich text content)
  • add a table title/cation
  • set individual colors for table head cells and each other cell or set global colors for head row and cell rows
  • can enable striped table with possibility to style the striped background
  • table is set not to exceed in width the viewport (minus section padding) - on smaller screens the table is horizontally scrollable (incl. mobile)
  • you can make each column equal width
  • you can set global cell padding or padding for head and row cells
  • style borders, separately for table, table head and row cells
  • change text aligning in head and cells
  • style typography for title, head and cells

Formidable Forms

This element let's you add Formidable Forms forms in Breakdance Builder and style... everything.
Contact Us

Contact Us


This element let's you place any FF form and style it. It lets you:

  • select any FF form created from a simple dropdown
  • show/hide form title, description, field labels and field descriptions
  • style any part of the form:
    • form itself (padding, borders, widths, background)
    • title & description (typography, padding, aligning)
    • labels (typography, padding, required asterix color)
    • fields (height, background, borders, padding, typography, focused state, placeholder color)
    • checkbox & radio fields (typography, direction, gap, checked color and and borders, size)
    • buttons (inherit global settings for primary, secondary, form submit buttons, or style custom)

Title & text

Below is an example of the default element and screenshots of all the settings. Some settings are not visible as they are conditional based on other selections (eg. image settings appear when image typew is selected).

Some fancy heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
This element is extremly simple, but proved useful to me. It's just a heading and some text.
It lets you:
  • add a title and text
  • specify the title tag
  • style the complete container, typography and spacing
  • all text fields support dynamic data
  • supports global settings

Dynamic Texts

Below is an example of the default element and screenshots of all the settings. Some settings are not visible as they are conditional based on other selections (eg. image settings appear when image typew is selected).
Today's date is 14 Mar 2025 and the linked page name is Elements
This element lets you create one big paragraph of text with parts being fixed text and parts being any dynamic content. It lets you:
  • add any number of text elements via a repeater
  • each text element can be set as fixed text or dynamic value
  • each dynamic part can be styled differently
  • each text item can be linked
  • you can override global link styling

Simple Counter

Below is an example of the default element and screenshots of all the settings. Some settings are not visible as they are conditional based on other selections (eg. image settings appear when image typew is selected).

We currently have happy customers

and counting...

This element lets you create an animated counter with a heading.
It lets you:

  • select the start and end of the counter
  • you can add a prefix and suffix of the counter number
  • you can add a headnig below the counter
  • each element can be styled separately, including responsive options
  • you can override global link styling

Accordion Content Extended

Below is an example of the default element and screenshots of all the settings. Some settings are not visible as they are conditional based on other selections (eg. image settings appear when image type is selected).

This element is an extention of the Accordion Content element with multiple extra features. It lets you:

  • add an image or icon that will be shown on the left of each accordion title
  • you can add a title, but also a title append text
  • the title append text can be displayed next to the title or below
  • you can style the icon or image freely
  • you can style the title button part (backgrounds, borders, hovers), as well as the expanding panel (brackground, borders)

Price Box

Below is an example of the default element and screenshots of all the settings. Some settings are not visible as they are conditional based on other selections (eg. image settings appear when image type is selected).

Item fancy title

Some neat descritpion of the item's features and why you should definitely buy it.

This element is useful when creating any pricing elements. It allows you to:

  • set an item title (field is dynamic)
  • select a leading icon or image shown on the left, or an indent to keep price elements' titles with and without an image vertically aligned
  • set the item price (field is dynamic)
  • set the price currency
  • set if the currency is on the left or right of the price and if they are spaced or not
  • add an item description (field is dynamic)
  • add a button or text link (with dynamic fields)
  • style... everything (as seen on the screens)

Text over Media

Below is an example of the default element and screenshots of all the settings. Some settings are not visible as they are conditional based on other selections (eg. image settings appear when image type is selected).
some text

This element is useful when creating simple boxes where you want to combine some content overlayed on a media background. It allows you to:

  • set any type of box background (image, gradient, video, slideshow)
  • add an overlay
  • box size can keep the size of the source background content
  • add an overlaying content box (via rich text editor) with a background
  • position the location of the content box on the background
  • position the text inside the content box
  • and style... everything else
builder tweak

Rich Text editor popup draggable and resizable

Actually this is not an element, but a builder tweak adding a neat feature to the behaviour of the Rich Text element, or rather all Rich Text editor popups in any element. By default the are fixed in size, cannot be moved, they cover the content. Wouldn't it be great to be able to move it to the side and make it eg. vertical? Well, with our tweak you can do this now! It lets you:

  • click and drag the rich text editor popup anywhere on the screen
  • you can resize it to any size you want from any of the bottom corners
  • in case it somehow breaks your site, you have an option to disable this functionality from the WordPress dashboard in Settings > General
  • the dark overlay covering the page behind is removed for better content visibility

IMPORTANT: this feature is enabled by default. It can be however disabled if causing issues or you prefer the standard behaviour. Just head over to the WP admin dashboard to Settings > General and find the "Enable Breakdance RichTexh editor draggable and resizable."

builder tweak

Breakdance and TranslatePress editor open body class

This also is not an element, but a builder tweak adding a simple, yet potentially useful thing: add a special .breakdance-editor-open class on the <body> tag of the Breakdance builder's iframe. This tweak also does this for the TranslatePress multilingual plugin that also operates in an iframe. Currently in neither case you are able to distinguish that the BD or TP editor is opened, as the body tags in both scenarios for the frontend page and when the editor is open are the same. So now you have a dedicated class applied to the body allowing you to do custom CSS or JS stuff like conditionals. It lets you do stuff like:
html[lang="en-GB"] body&:not(.translatepress-editor-open):not(.breakdance-editor-open) .some-section-class { display: none; }
if you would like to hide for example some section in a given language but not hide it in the builder or TP translation editor.

IMPORTANT: this feature is disabled by default. To enable just head over to the WP admin dashboard to Settings > General and find the section "Innova Elements Settings".

extra functionality

Custom WordPress admin dashboard

Ever complained that the looks of the WordPress admin dashboard is kinda... ancient? Perhaps you were thinking of some of the dashboard modifying plugins, but then you didn't want a new pricey plugin just to satisfy your aesthetics? Or maybe the extra bucks weren't an issue, but you didn't want o bloat your install with plugins not providing any special functionality...

Well, now you have a simple choice - provided you use the one and only Breakdance builder: you can use our new addition to our Innova Elements addon which provides a simple tool to revamp the looks of the entire WordPress dashboard. Perhaps it does not provide with the extensive options which full blown admin dashboards plugins do, but it does the job to beautify the WP backend.

You need to enable this option in the Setting and Save changes. Then you can modify the settings, mainly the colours. There is a default theme, but any other looks you have to set yourself with custom colours. This solution is 100% CSS based so no worries it will destroy your install. Unless we've missed something and one thing is covered by another. Just let us know and we'll fix it.

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